Thursday, April 10, 2008

What I leanred from the paper

The paper on FFI helped me to see the similarities between AD and FFI. It showed that there are more diseases that are caused by protein mis-folding than just AD. The similarity between the two showed just how much of an impact protein folding has on the development of a person. After I answered the questions I learned that evolution does play a role in these diseases. When I first learned about both of these diseases I did not think evolution had much of a role, but now I understand that it has an impact on the development of these diseases and the heredity of them.

I think a doctor needs to know about evolution becuase a doctor needs to understand that it affects how diseases are going to develope and how they are going to be inherited from generation to generation. It is important that they understand what causes a disease and if evolution has a role in its cause because that could help them understand its heredity and how it may affect a person. They also should understand evolution becuase it is the basis for all of biology. If they do not understand or know about evolution then they do not have any basis for everything they have learned before. It is crutial that a doctor know about evolution to be effective at their job.


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