Friday, April 11, 2008

What I learned from the paper

After reading this paper, I realized how FFI and Alzheimer's are related diseases. Before reading this paper, I had never even heard of FFI. Both of these diseases are devistating diseases that effect many peoples lives across the world. By studying protein folding, we will hopefully, one day be able to understand what exactly causes these diseases to occur.

It is important for doctors to know and understand evolution. When they are making a diagnosis of an illness, they need to be able to understand how exactly the illness is affecting their patient at the current stage and also how the disease can evolve in the future.

1 comment:

Mindy Walker said...

Very nice! I am glad to see that you all were able to observe the correlation between AD and FFI, and between each of those diseases and evolution. The next blog assignment will be announced to everyone in class.

Dr. Walker